hesja Air-Art Photography

19 LIP 2014


CAMPIA TURZII 19.07.2014

Czternaście godzin jazdy samochodem w jedną stronę – cztery godziny fotografowania w bazie i czternaście godzin jazdy samochodem z powrotem ‒ kartka z kalendarza lotniczego świra o nazwie Dzień Otwarty w 71. Bazie Sił Powietrznych Rumunii w miejscowości Câmpia Turzii. Jedynym niebezpieczeństwem, jakie mogło nam stanąć na przeszkodzie podczas tej wyprawy, były transylwańskie wampiry! Na nie mieliśmy w samochodzie czosnek :-)

This was pure madness! 14 hours of driving (one way), 4 hours of taking photos at the base, 14 hours of driving back! An ordinary day in the life an ordinary aviation freak. Was it worth it? It’s obvious – of course it was! Everything happened thanks to our Romanian friends who had invited us to take part in the Romanian AF 71st Air Base Open Days, in Câmpia Turzii. We did not have to be persuaded – anything planned that day was a great attraction! We were to see Romanian MiG-21s shooting flares. We were to see Canadian Hornets. Finally we were to see the Hornets and the Fishbeds flying together, right above our heads. We also were to see Romania for the first time! We were to meet all those wonderful people. Could it get any better? Transylvania Vampires were the only potential threat that could have stood in the way, but we had loads of garlic in the car, should that danger be present :)



© 2025 Sławek hesja Krajniewski

Polityka prywatności

Wykonanie: Onepix. | DRE STUDIO